.team - View the Pokémon in your team

Usage: .team
Example: .team

You can also view another trainer's team by tagging them.
If you want to be sneaky you can also use their user ID so they won't get notified.

Usage: .team <@trainer/ user ID>
Example: .team @Migan33#5756


.mypkinfo - View your Pokémon's information

Usage: .mypkinfo <pokémon>
Example: .mypkinfo Mewtwo


.learn - Learn a new move to your Pokémon

Usage: .learn <pokémon> <move>
Example: .learn Mewtwo Thunderbolt

... ...

.mvdelete - Forget a Pokémon move

Usage: .mvdelete <pokémon> <move>
Example: .mvdelete Mewtwo Thunderbolt


.swap - Swap positions between your Pokémon

Usage: .swap <position 1>, <position 2>
Example: .swap 1, 2


.swapmoves - Swap the position of two moves of your Pokémon

Usage: .swapmoves <pokémon> <move 1>, <move 2>
Example: .swapmoves Mewtwo Psychic, Ice Beam

You can also type just the positions of the moves to save time.

Usage: .swapmoves <pokémon> <position 1>, <position 2>
Example: .swapmoves Mewtwo 1, 2


.pkname - Add a nickname to your Pokémon

Usage: .pkname <pokémon> <nickname>
Example: .pkname Zapdos Bird Jesus


.pklock - Lock a Pokémon from your team to avoid accidentally releasing it

Usage: .pklock <pokémon>
Example: .pklock Mewtwo


.release - Release a Pokémon

Command: .release <pokémon>
Example: .release Tyranitar
