.quests - Daily quests that provide PKC and PKD

Command: .quests


.fly - Fly to a different region

Usage: .fly
Example: .fly


.gift - Gift PKC to a trainer

If you are not in the same server with the trainer you want to gift PKC to, you can also use their user ID and they will receive the gift no matter which server they are playing Myuu on.

Usage: .gift <@trainer/ user ID> <number>
Example: .gift @Iyazo#0001 100


.donate - Information regarding donating to Myuu

Command: .donate


.autocorrect - Toggle on and off the in-game autocorrect

Myuu will display the correct results on commands with typing mistakes. Such a command .pkinfo Mewtow will show the results of .pkinfo Mewtwo

Usage: .autocorrect
Example: .autocorrect


.setot - Change the OT of a Pokémon you originally caught

Command: .setot <pokémon>
Example: .setot Mew


.settings - Notifications & Settings

Usage: .settings
Example: .settings


.info - General information about Myuu, including its timezone

Usage: .info
Example 1: .info


.skins - Apply a skin to a Pokémon

Usage: .skins <pokémon>
Example 1: .skins Gliscor


.perks - View the perks you get when voting or boosting

Command: .perks


.activate - Activate special items, including legendary tickets

Usage: .activate <item>
Example 1: .activate Diancie Ticket


.vote - Upvote Myuu and get free Vote Coins

Usage: .vote
Example 1: .vote


.encrypt - Encrypt a message with the power of the Unown

Command: .encrypt <message>
Example: .encrypt Gen 7 when


.help - Helpful information

Command: .help
