.box - View your box storage

Usage: .box <number>
Example: .box 15

You can also view another trainer's box by tagging them.
If you want to be sneaky you can also use their user ID so they won't get notified.

Usage: .box <number> <@trainer/ user ID>
Example: .box 15 @Dev#0001


.buybox - Purchase an additional box storage

Each new box comes with 30 additional Pokémon spots.

Usage: .buybox
Example: .buybox


.boxpk - View your Pokémon's information from your box

Usage: .boxpk <number> <pokémon position>
Example: .boxpk 15 a1


.boxswap - Send a Pokémon to your box and/ or take one from it

In this example we are accessing box 15. We are swapping Mewtwo from our team and we are taking from box 15 the Pokémon in the position a1.

Usage: .boxswap <number> <pokémon> <position>
Example: .boxswap 15 Mew a1

In this example we are accessing box 15 and we are sending Mewtwo there to whichever position is free.

Usage: .boxswap <number> <pokémon>
Example: .boxswap 15 Mew

In this example we are accessing box 15 and we are taking away the Pokémon in the position a1.

Usage: .boxswap <number> <pokémon position>
Example: .boxswap 15 a1


.take boxpk - Take an item from Pokémon stored in your box

Usage: .take boxpk <number> <position>
Example 1: .take boxpk 1 a1

You can also take multiple items from Pokémon in your box.

Usage: .take box <number>
Example 1: .take box 1


.boxrelease - Release Pokémon from your box

Usage: .boxrelease <number> <position>
Example: .boxrelease 15 a1

You can also release multiple Pokémon from your box.

Usage: .boxrelease <number> <position>
Example 1: .boxrelease 15 a1 b5 c4 d3


.boxmove - Swap Pokémon between boxes

Usage: .boxmove <number 1> <number 2> <position>
Example: .boxmove 1 2 a1

You can also swap multiple Pokémon between your team and box.

Usage: .boxmove <number> <position>
Example 1: .boxmove 1 2 a1 b5 c4 d3


.boxsearch - Search for a Pokémon in all of your boxes

Usage: .boxsearch <pokémon>
Example: .boxsearch Mewtwo
