.route - Search for a wild battle

Command: .route <number>
Example: .route 1


.routeinfo - Check which Pokémon you can find in each route

Command: .routeinfo <number>
Example: .routeinfo 1


.battle - Challenge a trainer to a battle

Command: .battle <trainer>
Example: .battle @Iyazo#0001


.rankedbattle - Get into the ranked queue

Command: .rankedbattle


.rankedrules - View the ranked rules

Command: .rankedrules


.rankedladder - View the ranked leaderboards

Command: .rankedladder


.unranked - Start an unranked battle

No wins or loses will be registered anywhere as a result of this battle.

Command: .unranked <trainer>
Example: .unranked @Iyazo#0001


.gymbattle - Challenge a Gym Leader to a battle

Command: .gymbattle


.trade - Trade with another trainer

The first parenthesis are for the Pokémon and PKC you offer. The second for the Pokémon and PKC you're requesting. If either of you do not want to give any PKC, simply do not add a number.

Command: .trade <trainer> (<pokémon>, <number>) (<pokémon>, <number>)
Example: .trade @Iyazo#0001 (Mewtwo, 1000) (Mew)

If you don't want to request anything do not include the second parenthesis. Again, if you do not want to give any PKC, simply do not add a number.

Usage: .trade <trainer> (<pokémon>, <number>)
Example: .trade @Iyazo#0001 (Mewtwo)

If you don't want to give anything but simply request, add the first parenthesis and leave it empty. Here as well, if you do not want to request any PKC, simply do not add a number.

Usage: .trade <trainer> () (<pokémon>, <number>)
Example: .trade @Iyazo#0001 () (Mewtwo, 1000)


.tradepk - View a Pokémon's information being traded

Command: .tradepk <pokemon>
Example: .tradepk Mew


.rents - View rent Pokémon

Command: .rents
