.bag - Check which items you have in your bag

Usage: .bag <number>
Example: .bag 5

You can also view another trainer's bag by tagging them.
If you want to be sneaky you can also use their user ID so they won't get notified.

Usage: .bag <number> <@trainer/ user ID>
Example: .bag 3 @Migan33#5756


.item - View information about any item

Usage: .item <item>
Example: .item Life Orb


.buybag - Expand the storage in your bag

Usage: .buybag
Example: .buybag

... ...

.wallet - Check how stacked, or not, your wallet is

Use the .vote command to get some free PKD.

Usage: .wallet
Example: .wallet

You can also view another trainer's wallet by tagging them.
If you want to be sneaky you can also use their user ID so they won't get notified.

Usage: .wallet <@trainer/ user ID>
Example: .wallet @Migan33#5756


.items - View the a list with all the items

Usage: .items <number> <filter>
Example: .items 1


Example: .items balls


.buy - Buy an item

Usage: .buy <item>
Example: .buy Life Orb


.sell - Sell an item

Usage: .sell <item>
Example: .sell Life Orb


.give - Give an item to a Pokémon from your team

Usage: .give <pokémon> <item>
Example: .give Mewtwo Life Orb


.take - Take an item to a Pokémon from your team

Usage: .take <pokémon> <item>
Example: .take Mewtwo Life Orb
